The Five Browns, at Juilliard, all at once. :)

The first time I had ever heard of The Five Browns, I was intrigued, even from the very start.

They are nothing short of extraordinary, in my humble opinion - given their unique talent, their skills of combining classical music with modern pop, and performing all at the same time, on stage... without their parents telling them they 'need to practice.'

That is exquisite; but to work together, as siblings, at the same time at the Juilliard School of Music... now that's extraordinary.

Meet The Five Browns

When I read a news article about their Juilliard experience, I couldn't help but to think for a moment, how pleased the parents of these fine young men and women must be; for their children to be present at Juilliard, to refine their skills and abilities, taking their performance to a whole new level.

What a good lesson for piano students today... to see how patience, perseverance, and the willingness to work together as a family, pays off rich dividends in life, and at the piano.

Be sure to see their videos on YouTube, and to leave a comment.

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